Photo of a youth jazz band.

We teach music to young people with an emphasis on creativity, compassion, and courage.

At Seattle JazzED we welcome students in grades 4-12 at all levels. You can play or sing in an ensemble, take a one-day workshop, spend a week in the summer honing skills…or all three! Any student can start their instrumental or vocal music education at Seattle JazzED and continue through high school graduation. We’ll take you the whole way.

Do you already play music, or sing, and have for years? We’ve got plenty of opportunities for you too.

If you need help figuring out where you fit in, contact us. We’d love to help you.

P.S. Don’t let cost keep you from participating. At Seattle JazzED, you always choose your tuition level. Flexible payment plans and full tuition waivers are also available, no questions asked. We’re able to offer sliding scale prices because our community of families pay what they can and our community of donors give what they can.