bowl of dog food and woman with dog

Hand crafted food for your pets, so they can live a longer, happier, healthier life.

The food you put in your petโ€™s body, more than anything else, will determine his future health, happiness, energy level and perhaps even his vet bills. We do three things here โ€“ we make daily food for healthy dogs and cats, we make a line of prescription food for dogs with specific illnesses and we make custom formulations for sick dogs and cats. And we do it all using ingredients that are 100% certified for human consumption by the USDA. We cook our food minimally in order to maximize the nutritional value and we do it in one of our four kitchens. Our method is much more hands on, it takes longer and costs more but it retains the nutritional value of the ingredients and, in our view, makes it the best food in the world for your dog.