Winston Wächter is proud to announce our second solo exhibition with internationally acclaimed London based artist Annie Morris. Morris creates towers shaped sculptures from carved foam, plaster, sand and raw pigment, meant to resemble a three-dimensional artist’s palate. Inspired by her strength from personal struggles, Morris chooses to focus on the hopefulness and vibrancy of life. The seemingly weightless forms are a metaphor for pure joy and the ability to conquer the impossible. Each layer of her towers teeters over the other, threatening to fall, yet gently supporting each other’s balance.

Since completing her degree from École des Beaux-Arts Paris in 2002, Annie Morris has received international acclaim for her immediate and considered approach to drawing, sculpture and painting. Recently Morris was selected as the featured artist for the Paris Louis Vuitton flagship location. Morris has exhibited at The Royal Academy, London; Baku MoMA, Azerbaijan and The New Art Gallery, Walsall and Tate Gallery, St Ives.