Graphic of a tug boat.

​Embark on an epic adventure and discover the rich history of workboats in the PNW!

These vessels will be on site and open to the public.

The Tordenskjold: A working boat finding a new life after 100 years spent fishing the Northwest seas.

Arthur Foss: A heritage vessel, museum ship with public programs, and platform for public service, this 1989 vessel was declared a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service.

Fireboat Duwamish: Host of the Beer Garden! Built in 1909, this vessel is the second oldest fireboat in the United States and the world’s most powerful fireboat from 1909 to 2003, pumping 22,800 gallons per minute!

M/V Lotus: At 92 feet, Lotus was the largest power yacht on the West Coast in 1909. She was launched in Seattle during the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition.

Schedule of Events: Saturday

10:00a – 5:00p: Vessel Tours, Vendor Booths, Career Fair
10:00a – 5:00p: On-Vessel Beer Garden
10:00a to 5:00p: Monkey Fist Toss
TBD: Seattle Police Department Rescue Vessel Demonstration
TBD: Seattle Fire Department Rescue Vessel Demonstration
12:30p: Greased Salmon Relay Race – REGISTER YOUR TEAM BELOW!
All Day: Center for Wooden Boats Sailboat Kit Decorating

Schedule of Events: Sunday

10:00a – 5:00p: Vessel Tours, Vendor Booths, Career Fair
10:00a – 5:00p: Center for Wooden Boats Sailboat Kit Decorating
TBD: Seattle Police Department Rescue Vessel Demonstration
TBD: Seattle Fire Department Rescue Vessel Demonstration

There’s tons of fun activities for the whole family at the Historic Ship’s Wharf, nestled right in the heart of Seattle at the breathtaking Lake Union Park. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore and celebrate Seattle’s vibrant maritime culture!

Stay tuned – More details to come!

Event produced by Shore Strategic Solutions, Northwest Seaport and sponsored by leaders of our working waterfront.