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Celebrate the summer solstice with us and experience the uplifting power of art at the Summer Voices performance showcase.

Enjoy the evening with refreshments, community connection, and a variety of lively performances by Path with Art Participant Artists, such as PwA Band, PwA Singers, Veterans Choir, Brazilian Drumming, Dance, and Scene Acting.

Join us for this joyful community event that is free & open to all at Cornish’s Raisbeck Auditorium on Thursday, June 20 from 6 to 8 p.m.

If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] 

Path with Art is driven by its Vision: A world where arts engagement is recognized as transformative––connecting the individual with self, the self with community, and communities with society.  In this world, the power of arts engagement is available for all.