It’s no secret that old-school video games maintain a strong hold on pop culture. The pixel-based aesthetic of 8-bit gaming lives on across multiple major platforms, which is why we’re launching our new MoPOP Gaming Series with…Pixel Power Day.
Join us in the museum Saturday, July 13 for a celebration of all things old-school gaming. Activations include:
- Screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (PG-13, 1hr 52m)
2:00pm | Sound and Vision Theater
With an introduction to the film, trivia and prizes. Film with Open Captions for accessibility. - Hands-on pixel art creation station
11:00am–4:00pm | South Lobby - Drop-in classic video gaming on the massive Sky Church LED screen
12:00pm–4:00pm | Sky Church - Chiptune- and video game-inspired playlist