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In this self-study (svadhyaya)  workshop we’ll learn about the spine anatomically, functionally, and experientially.

Why? Our back is central to everything we do—in yoga and life. Having greater awareness of our own anatomy and self-use can help us find greater strength, effectiveness, and also decrease and prevent back pain. Bring your curiosity, your awareness, your coffee or tea, a notebook and pen, and wear your yoga clothes with layers for warmth. You will find your own deep insights through this facilitated journey through lecture, discussion, an Awareness through Movement® lesson (think playful, slow, exploratory floor work), and an opportunity for learning that will influence how you move through life.

$30 Pre-Register

$35 Day of

** This workshop is limited to 14 participants, pre-registration is recomended if you want to secure a spot!

Register Online at Be Luminous Yoga