Please note: The 2020 Denny Lecture: Learning from Earth Day 50 Years Later with Derek Hoshiko will now take place online at 7 pm on April 14 as a free webinar.

With record breaking temperatures, rising sea levels, and melting ice caps, the 1970 call for an Earth Day of environmental action has never been more relevant. From science to policy to activism, how has our state grappled with these issues over the past 50 years and what do we do next?

Join local climate activist and community organizer Derek Hoshiko to explore what we can learn from the history of environmentalism, and how we can face the present climate crisis.

During this lecture turned webinar, we’ll explore movement moments from the first Earth Day in 1970 to the WTO “Battle in Seattle” in 1999, from Occupy Wall Street to the Thin Green Line, and from the youth #ClimateStrike and #FridaysForFuture to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn about local climate activist and community organizer Derek Hoshiko’s personal journey as we honor the work of activists marked by 50 years of Earth Day celebrations and days of action, while acknowledging where we have failed.

How to Register: Participation is open to the first 500 registrants. Click the link below and provide your name, email address, and zip code. Detailed information on how to participate will be provided on the day of the webinar.  Register here.