We Are All Made Of Light, by Seattle-based artist Maja Petric, is an immersive art installation that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to create interactive light and sound sculptures. These environments are formed as the AI-driven technology recognizes and captures the shape of visitors with encompassing light. Over the course of the exhibition, visitors’ physicality is recorded and represented through a collection of light forms, documenting the growing history of visitorship and space. Petric’s collaborators include AI Microsoft Researcher Mihai Jalobeanu and 3D Sound Artist Daniel Peterson.

Artist & collaborator bios:

Maja Petric uses cutting-edge technology to create transformative experiences. She received a Ph.D. in Digital Arts and Experimental Media from University of Washington and a master’s in Interactive Telecommunications from New York University on the topic of transforming the poetic experience of space through the experimental use of technology. She has exhibited internationally and been recipient of many awards and fellowships. https://www.majapetric.com

Mihai Jalobeanu received a Ph.D. in Robotics from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He is a Principal Software Developer at Microsoft Research. His research spans machine learning, robotics, automation, distributed systems, computer vision, programming languages, and anything else that can be used to make robots smarter.

Daniel Peterson is a 3D Sound Artist living and working in Seattle, WA. He completed a Master of Music in Composition at the University of Washington and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS) at the University of Washington. His work has been shown internationally. His research interests include spectral analysis, ambisonics, and the exploration of relationships between literature, philosophy, and music.